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Malta Turecko Řecko Bulharsko Rumunsko Maďarsko Slovinsko Lucembursko Rakousko Slovensko Česká republika Německo Dánsko Polsko Litva Lotyšsko Estonsko Finsko Švédsko Norsko Velká Británie Nizozemí Itálie Švýcarsko Belgie Francie Španělsko Portugalsko Irsko Island Chorvatsko Srbsko
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 500 1000      ››
Country Academic year University Field of study Home institution Type
Finsko 2024/2025 Åbo Akademi Chemistry VŠCHT For Placements
Francie 2024/2025 ECOLE SPECIALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS, DU BATIMENT ET DE L'INDUSTRIE Building and civil engineering ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2024/2025 L'Arche à Lyon Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Chorvatsko 2024/2025 Društvo "Naša djeca" Opatija / Society "Our Children" Opatija Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Chorvatsko 2024/2025 Društvo "Naša djeca" Opatija / Society "Our Children" Opatija Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Itálie 2024/2025 POLITECNICO DI MILANO Architecture and town planning ČVUT For Studies
Itálie 2024/2025 ACCORD Italy Smart Tours & Experiences Arts, not elsewhere classified UJEP For Placements
Kypr 2024/2025 UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS Software and applications development and analysis UHK For Studies
Kypr 2024/2025 UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS Software and applications development and analysis UHK For Studies
Makedonie (FYROM) 2024/2025 Legis Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Makedonie (FYROM) 2024/2025 Legis Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Malta 2024/2025 Inspire - Eden and Razzett Foundation Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Malta 2024/2025 Inspire - Eden and Razzett Foundation Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Malta 2024/2025 Inspire - Eden and Razzett Foundation Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Malta 2024/2025 Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement (MGRM) Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Malta 2024/2025 Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement (MGRM) Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Malta 2024/2025 Right to Smile Foundation / Right 2 Smile Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Malta 2024/2025 YMCA Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Německo 2024/2025 PhysioTeam Dresden Medicine UJEP For Placements
Německo 2024/2025 Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, inter-disciplinary programmes UJEP For Placements