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Malta Turecko Řecko Bulharsko Rumunsko Maďarsko Slovinsko Lucembursko Rakousko Slovensko Česká republika Německo Dánsko Polsko Litva Lotyšsko Estonsko Finsko Švédsko Norsko Velká Británie Nizozemí Itálie Švýcarsko Belgie Francie Španělsko Portugalsko Irsko Island Chorvatsko Srbsko
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 500 1000      ››
Country Academic year University Field of study Home institution Type
Portugalsko 2024/2025 Universidade de Lisboa Chemistry VŠCHT For Placements
Slovinsko 2024/2025 National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana Chemistry VŠCHT For Placements
Srbsko 2024/2025 Caritas Aleksinac Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Srbsko 2024/2025 Caritas Aleksinac Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Belgie 2023/2024 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Chemistry VŠCHT For Studies
Belgie 2023/2024 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, inter-disciplinary programmes VŠCHT For Studies
Belgie 2023/2024 CzechTrade Belgie Political sciences and civics UHK For Placements
Belgie 2023/2024 SPRL Bohemia EU Planners Political sciences and civics UHK For Placements
Bulharsko 2023/2024 UNIVERSITY OF NATIONAL AND WORLD ECONOMY Business and administration, not elsewhere classified VŠB - TUO For Studies
Bulharsko 2023/2024 UNIVERSITY OF NATIONAL AND WORLD ECONOMY Economics VŠB - TUO For Studies
Bulharsko 2023/2024 Architectual Spies Fashion, interior and industrial design UJEP For Placements
Bulharsko 2023/2024 Medical University Sofia Health, not elsewhere classified UJEP For Placements
Bulharsko 2023/2024 Medical University of Sofia Nursing and midwifery UJEP For Placements
Dánsko 2023/2024 DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET Building and civil engineering ČVUT For Studies
Dánsko 2023/2024 DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET Building and civil engineering ČVUT For Studies
Dánsko 2023/2024 Technical University of Denmark Environmental sciences VŠCHT For Placements
Dánsko 2023/2024 DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET Mathematics ČVUT For Studies
Estonsko 2023/2024 TALLINNA TEHNIKAULIKOOL Environmental sciences VŠCHT For Studies
Estonsko 2023/2024 TARTU ULIKOOL History and archaeology UHK For Studies
Finsko 2023/2024 OULUN YLIOPISTO Biochemistry VŠCHT For Studies