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Malta Turecko Řecko Bulharsko Rumunsko Maďarsko Slovinsko Lucembursko Rakousko Slovensko Česká republika Německo Dánsko Polsko Litva Lotyšsko Estonsko Finsko Švédsko Norsko Velká Británie Nizozemí Itálie Švýcarsko Belgie Francie Španělsko Portugalsko Irsko Island Chorvatsko Srbsko
Country Academic year University Field of study Home institution Type
Rakousko 2017/2018 Medical University of Vienna Medicine UK For Placements
Rakousko 2017/2018 MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN Medicine UK For Studies
Rakousko 2017/2018 MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN Medicine UK For Studies
Rakousko 2017/2018 MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAT GRAZ Medicine UK For Studies
Rakousko 2017/2018 MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAT INNSBRUCK Medicine UK For Studies
Rakousko 2017/2018 UNIVERSITÄT MOZARTEUM SALZBURG Music and performing arts AMU For Studies
Rakousko 2017/2018 Medical University of Graz Pharmacy UK For Placements
Rakousko 2017/2018 UNIVERSITAT WIEN Pharmacy UK For Studies
Rakousko 2017/2018 Österreichisches Daseinsanalytisches Institut Philosophy and ethics UK For Placements
Rakousko 2017/2018 PARIS-LODRON-UNIVERSITAT SALZBURG Software and applications development and analysis ČVUT For Studies
Rakousko 2017/2018 UNIVERSITAT WIEN Teacher training with subject specialization UK For Studies
Rumunsko 2017/2018 UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA TIMISOARA Building and civil engineering ČVUT For Studies
Rumunsko 2017/2018 UNIVERSITATEA BABES BOLYAI Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), not elsewhere classified UHK For Studies
Rumunsko 2017/2018 UNIVERSITATEA ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA DIN IASI Languages, not elsewhere classified UK For Studies
Rumunsko 2017/2018 SCOALA NATIONALA DE STUDII POLITICE SI ADMINISTRATIVE Political sciences and civics UK For Studies
Rumunsko 2017/2018 Asociatia Organizatia Caritas a Diecezei Satu Mare, Caritas Baia Mare, Centru Communitar Sf. Francisc de Assisi Baia Mare Social work and counselling CARITAS For Placements
Řecko 2017/2018 THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRETE Building and civil engineering ČVUT For Studies
Řecko 2017/2018 Panepistimio Patron Chemistry VŠCHT For Placements
Řecko 2017/2018 National Technical University of Athens Engineering and engineering trades, not elsewhere classified VŠB - TUO For Placements
Řecko 2017/2018 2_National Technical University of Athens Engineering, manufacturing and construction, inter-disciplinary programmes VŠB - TUO For Placements