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Country Academic year University Field of study Home institution Type
Francie 2018/2019 UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSE II - LE MIRAIL Psychology UK For Studies
Francie 2018/2019 INSTITUT PROTESTANT DE THEOLOGIE ASSOCIATION Religion and theology UK For Studies
Francie 2018/2019 SORBONNE IV - Lettres Social sciences, journalism and information, inter-disciplinary programmes UK For Studies
Francie 2018/2019 UNIVERSITE D'ANGERS Teacher training with subject specialization UK For Studies
Francie 2018/2019 UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE TROYES Transport services ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE LYON Architecture and construction, not elsewhere classified ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE PARIS LA VILLETTE Architecture and construction, not elsewhere classified ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE PARIS-BELLEVILLE Architecture and construction, not elsewhere classified ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE ET DE PAYSAGE DE LILLE Architecture and construction, not elsewhere classified ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 ESITC CACHAN Architecture and construction, not elsewhere classified ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE NANTES Architecture and town planning ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE ET DE PAYSAGE DE LILLE Architecture and town planning ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX Biology UK For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 UNIVERSITE DE NANTES Building and civil engineering ČVUT For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 École nationale supérieure de chimie de Montpellier Chemical engineering and processes VŠCHT For Placements
Francie 2017/2018 McPhy Energy S.A Chemical engineering and processes VŠB - TUO For Placements
Francie 2017/2018 INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR D'AGRICULTURE Earth sciences UJEP For Studies
Francie 2017/2018 University of Strasbourg Earth sciences UK For Placements
Francie 2017/2018 University of Strasbourg Earth sciences UK For Placements