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Malta Turecko Řecko Bulharsko Rumunsko Maďarsko Slovinsko Lucembursko Rakousko Slovensko Česká republika Německo Dánsko Polsko Litva Lotyšsko Estonsko Finsko Švédsko Norsko Velká Británie Nizozemí Itálie Švýcarsko Belgie Francie Španělsko Portugalsko Irsko Island Chorvatsko Srbsko
Country Academic year University Field of study Home institution Type
Finsko 2014/2015 VAASAN YLIOPISTO UTB For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY Business and administration, not elsewhere classified VUT For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 PIRKANMAA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES LTD. Business and administration, not elsewhere classified VUT For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 TTY-SAATIO Electronics and automation VUT For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 TTY-SAATIO Electronics and automation VUT For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 University of Technology Tampere Engineering, manufacturing and construction, inter-disciplinary programmes VUT For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 AALTO-KORKEAKOULUSAATIO Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), inter-disciplinary programmes VUT For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 PIRKANMAA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES LTD. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), not elsewhere classified VUT For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 ITA-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO Medical diagnostic and treatment technology VUT For Studies
Finsko 2014/2015 Keski-Suomen Pelastuslaitos Protection of persons and property UTB For Placements
Finsko 2014/2015 VAASAN YLIOPISTO Security services, not elsewhere classified UTB For Studies
Francie 2014/2015 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ACHITECTURE DE BRETAGNE Architecture and town planning VUT For Studies
Francie 2014/2015 Groupe Esiee - Ecole Superieure D'Ingenieurs En Electronique Et Electrotechnique Biological and related sciences, not elsewhere classifed VUT For Studies
Francie 2014/2015 UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE - LILLE I Business and administration, not elsewhere classified VUT For Studies
Chorvatsko 2014/2015 SVEUCILISTE U DUBROVNIKU UTB For Studies
Chorvatsko 2014/2015 SVEUCILISTE U RIJECI Building and civil engineering VUT For Studies
Irsko 2014/2015 INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SLIGO - ITS Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), not elsewhere classified VOŠIS For Studies
Island 2014/2015 HASKOLINN I REYKJAVIK EHF Building and civil engineering VUT For Studies
Itálie 2014/2015 Università Degli Studi Di Trento NEWTON For Studies